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Meet Tabbin Almond

A qualified alcohol coach (and former problem drinker) on a mission to help people regain control over alcohol.


If you know deep down that your drinking is impacting your life and relationships, and you're making yourself repeated promises to cut back or stop but breaking them every time, then maybe it's time for you to make a change.

Tabbin's story

After leaving university and joining the boozy advertising industry in the 80's, Tabbin embraced the long lunches and evenings at the pub. Social drinking progressed to drinking at home alone; a glass of wine or 3 at the end of a long day as a reward and that theme continued.


She held down a good job, got married and had children and despite spells without alcohol while pregnant & breast feeding she soon got back to old habits and things got progressively worse.


The worry and anxiety mounted and the many broken promises she made to herself to quit drinking were causing internal conflict and self loathing.


Eventually she tried hypnotherapy, after using it to successfully give up smoking years before, and managed to quit drinking for 7 years. But when Tabbin got the heartbreaking news that she had breast cancer, and it had spread, she found herself reaching for a bottle of wine once again.


This time the self loathing was worse than ever. She knew she had a real problem and after devouring many quit lit books, she found This Naked Mind.


Unlike hypnotherapy, this programme helped her change her underlying beliefs about alcohol; that a celebration without alcohol wasn't really a celebration, that it made her feel better when things were tough.


Through this coaching she has challenged and reframed her beliefs about alcohol and now just doesn't want to drink. True freedom that led her to retrain as a This Naked Mind coach herself, so she could share it with others in her coaching programmes.


Her approach

Tabbin will show you that it’s not your fault that you’ve developed a problem, and that there IS a way out of it. Once you understand the science of what goes on in our bodies and brains (and how they are interconnected), she will work with you to regulate your nervous system and develop behaviour change strategies that are tailored to your personal circumstances.


However, the success of this coaching lies in the fact that it goes well beyond the physical behaviour change – she will work with you to identify your subconscious beliefs around alcohol and what it does for you, and help you reframe these beliefs, so that you genuinely no longer want to drink. Instead you’ll be able to lead a life full of compassion for yourself and for those around you.



Tabbin is a senior certified This Naked Mind coach and certified Gray Area Drinking coach.

Book a free discovery call

You can book a completely confidential chat with Tabbin, to find out more about her services and how she might be able to help you*. 

Discovery call: Tabbin Almond

1 hr

*Programmes vary in intensity and duration, according to each Client’s goals and needs, but as a guide, most Clients are investing £2500-£3000 in coaching to find freedom from alcohol. You are under no obligation to sign up if you book a discovery call, this is a complementary service. Tabbin does have a bursary fund to help in certain circumstances.

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