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January fitness challenge

Welcome to our New Year fitness challenge!


We'll be sending you 4 weekly emails, to break down the challenge into 7 day sets.


The exercises repeat and it's really important you nail your technique, so we've included a demo of each exercise below so you can ensure your have perfect form. 


The demos also include different options for each exercise, so you can make it work for your body.


You will need:


  • Trainers

  • Water

  • Timer (e.g. your phone)


Optional additions:


  • Exercise mat

  • Med ball

  • Dumbbells

Exercise demos

In these demo video's, Natasha will take you through teaching points for each exercise, as well as the alternatives and progressions you can make to adapt the exercises so they are right for you.


It's important to stretch before and after exercise to avoid injury, so we've also included a suggested warm up and cool down with Cat.

Jumping jacks
Warm up
Wall sit
Push ups
Cool down
Sit ups

The weekly challenge sheets

 This plan is flexible so do what works for you to fit it in.


You can do a longer session with multiple rounds to tick off a few days in one go,

or just complete daily (either in one hit or spread across your day).


Just aim to get all the exercises for the week done within that week.

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